Get Kids Excited About Healthy Eating!

We know that getting your little ones to eat their veggies can sometimes feel like a battle. But here's a secret trick that might just make your life easier: Involve your children in the kitchen! 🍅🥕

👩‍🍳Why does it work? When kids play a role in preparing their meals, they become more curious and interested in trying new foods [1]. It's like magic!

🥬 Try making salad preparation a family affair! Let your kids choose their favorite veggies, wash them together, and even create their own salad dressing. They'll be excited to taste what they've helped create especially when they know how and where the veggies are grown [2]. 

📣 Share Your Wisdom! We want to hear from you. What creative ways have you used to entice your children into eating healthier foods that they initially found unappetizing? Share your experiences in the comments below! Let's support each other on this journey to raising healthy eaters. 

Remember, every small step counts, and by making healthy eating a fun and engaging family activity, you'll be setting the foundation for a lifetime of good habits.

Microgreens can be your ally in this journey. You can grow microgreens at home using common household items like food containers to grow them in. Add some soil, sprinkle some seeds on top and you are on your way to the microgreens universe. Place the microgreens beside a window to get sunlight on these tiny vegetables. In about 10 days, you and your little ones can observe nature doings its work.



[1] DeJesus et al. Children eat more food when they prepare it themselves. November 2018.

[2] University of Reading. Kids’ summer salad problem solved with SEE & EAT solution. July 2023.


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